L'oreal sunkiss jelly

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L'oreal sunkiss jelly 
преведено на български ефект "целуната от слънцето".
Тествано и ефективно.
Целта на продукта е естествено изсветляване на косата с около 3 тона. Предлагат се 3 различни варианта за тъмна, светла и по-светла коса. Нанася се върху суха коса и се изсушава със сешоар,  трябва да се нанася през 3 дена (може и през седмица). Важно е да отбележа е, че НЕ се препоръчва за небоядисана коса и раздразнен/чувствителен скалп.
Като цена варира от 9 - 15 лв., в DM, Lilly, Elitis.
Като малък недостатък мога да посоча, че изсушава косата(но е нормално, все пак е вид обезцветител). Ефекта се забелязва след второто или третото нанасяне. Аз съм ползвала 02 макар, че имам тъмно кестенява коса и съм изключително доволна. 
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Soft translucent leave-in jelly gradually lightens and is designed to create a long-lasting sun-kissed look.

For natural hair only. Get the sun-kissed look with L'Oréal Paris Casting Sunkiss Jelly Permanent Progressive Lightening Colour. Lighten all over or create the highlights/ombre look. Just leave the jelly in - no rinsing is needed!

The fragrant and nourishing jelly is enriched with Camellia Oil, for an oh-so-sweet soft sun-kissed look. Its delicate fragrance makes application a true pleasurable experience.

What results can I expect to see?
L'Oréal Paris Casting Sunkiss Jelly Permanent Progressive Lightening Colour gradually lightens hair after each application. The final result depends on your natural base and on the result you want to achieve.

Where do I need to apply?
Casting Sunkiss Jelly's uniqueness means you can better control the application. You can achieve the look you want, by applying the product in different ways: either all-over for a total lightening look, on individual strands, on the ends or all around the borders of your face if you want a more natural and blurred look. The sun you want, the way you want!

Can I apply on dark hair?
Casting Sunkiss Jelly is recommended for blondes to light browns. On darker hair, the results can be subtle, and the end result may be warmer so L'Oréal Paris recommend doing a strand test to see the results first before applying all over.

Can I apply on wet hair?
You can apply on wet hair; however, the water present in the fibre will dilute the lightening agents so results will be more subtle. L'Oréal Paris recommend you to use it on dry hair for more visible results!

How often do I have to apply?
Reapply every 2-3 days as necessary to achieve the desired sun-kissed effect.

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3. Workable

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